Good Systems
Older adults are especially vulnerable to believing and circulating disinformation online, and we want to enable this population to use social media more responsibly.
Explore dozens of projects across our three grand challenges.
Good Systems
Older adults are especially vulnerable to believing and circulating disinformation online, and we want to enable this population to use social media more responsibly.
Whole Communities–Whole Health
Traditional long-term research projects share results with participants at the end of a study, but oftentimes the information they receive is too little, too late. To address that, Whole CommunitiesWhole Health is developing an interactive smartphone app that will translate raw data collected during the study into actionable, real-time information.
Good Systems
AI-based technologies used by cities and organizations have been shown to exhibit racial bias, and yet, they can determine who gets access to employment, care, and adequate housing.
Good Systems
This project designs and prototypes new ways to find, interpret, and evaluate online information with the goal of helping to combat rampant misinformation. It studies how people evaluate and integrate information from disparate online sources, focusing on fact-checking as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Good Systems
This project examines how human-centered approaches to assess bias and fairness can address a critical gap to inform research on algorithmic fairness.
Good Systems
The rise of social media and the growing scale of online information has led to a surge of intentional disinformation and incidental misinformation. It is increasingly difficult to tell fact from fiction, and the challenge is more complex than simply differentiating fake news from simple facts.
Planet Texas 2050
Spanning across a wide range of climatic regimes, Texas relies on water extracted from rivers and aquifers within its own borders. Climate change and population growth are adding unprecedented stress on Texas waters and other types of natural resources.
Good Systems
This project examines the temporal dynamics of emotional appeals in Russian campaign messages used in the 2016 election on Facebook and Twitter.
Planet Texas 2050
The DOLCe (Digital Object Life Cycle) project is a collaboration between University of Texas Libraries, Texas Advanced Computing Center, and the Texas Digital Library to develop a necessary infrastructure component to facilitate the publication and preservation of data from Planet Texas 2050 and other Bridging Barriers projects.
Whole Communities–Whole Health
The Whole Communities–Whole Health team has built and tested a smart device that uses environmental sensors to better understand how indoor air quality affects family health by measuring indoor air pollution, carbon dioxide levels, humidity, and temperature in real-time.