Good Systems

This project investigated how data ethics can be a point of departure in designing and evaluating good systems, examining the contradictions and pressure points among various data practices. 

Planet Texas 2050

The importance of communicating the dangers resulting from impending climate collapse is perhaps the most vital issue to be communicated. This project seeks to explore the greeting card as an everyday cultural form that can be used to express ideas and connect people around the subject of climate change. 

Whole Communities–Whole Health

Preliminary findings suggest that the pandemic has resulted in changes in the frequency of health behaviors. The lessons learned from this research will be incorporated in the broader Whole Communities–Whole Health cohort study with input from potential participants and community members.

Planet Texas 2050

Spanning across a wide range of climatic regimes, Texas relies on water extracted from rivers and aquifers within its own borders. Climate change and population growth are adding unprecedented stress on Texas waters and other types of natural resources. Quantifying the nexus between natural resources, energy generation, and food production is critically important for sustainable regional planning. This need also echoes one of the primary pillars of PT2050—Understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of water availability and other natural resources, in relation to energy production and urban demands. 

Good Systems

Artificial intelligence systems increasingly automate and assist people in making managerial and governance decisions. AI manages worker routines and tasks, determines how to distribute resources within cities, and assists in transportation management.