Good Systems

AI technologies can help build smarter cities by using data to improve services, such as public safety, transit systems, and emergency response. They can also help us evaluate how new infrastructure, such as public transportation lines, will affect access to housing, jobs, and public services.

Good Systems

A lack of affordable housing is a major problem in US cities from the Bay Area to Boston. Austin is no exception. In 2015, the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area was named one of the most economically segregated areas in the country.

Good Systems

This project reports on how media representations shape public perceptions of AI and then uses findings to explore how Good Systems might better represent everyday interactions with AI to the public. 

Good Systems

Cities are adopting camera technologies, including public video cameras and sensors, that use AI to process visual data with the promise of improving services, enhancing management capabilities, and lowering costs. 

Good Systems

This project investigates comparative policies around the creation and use of video data in the public sector. As more cities deploy monitoring and sensing technologies, cameras are in the front lines of data-gathering in traffic, policing, and health and safety.

Planet Texas 2050

This project explored how theater and community engagement can help develop a context-specific understanding of climate change to empower Texan communities and individuals to become resilient and adapt to a changing climate.

Planet Texas 2050

The DataX and Model INTegration components of the PT2050 program aim to design and build data systems and integrated modeling capabilities that connect with leading edge, high performance computing facilities. The cyberinfrastructure research prioritizes the development of compute capabilities such that technology is reusable, scalable, and understandable by non-traditional advanced computing user groups and continues to be helpful to advanced HPC users in the PT2050 community.  Core services for data and models are designed to meet operational levels that are reliable for researchers with 24/7 technical support.