Aug. 21, 2023
Beware of the Robot Dog Next Door?
Boston Dynamics is known for its viral videos where its autonomous robots dance, tackle obstacle courses or decorate for the holidays. There are even blooper reels that show how much work is required to make the robots perform even the simplest of tasks.
Aug. 14, 2023
UT Professors Embracing, Preparing for AI use in Classrooms
Since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November 2022, artificial intelligence, or AI, usage has skyrocketed. As a new academic year rapidly approaches for The University of Texas at Austin, faculty are working to balance fostering a learning environment with AI while preventing cheating among college students.
Aug. 11, 2023
New “Essentials of AI” Course Launches This Fall
The Department of Computer Science and the Good Systems program present a one semester-credit-hour course titled “Essentials of AI for Life and Society.”
July 25, 2023
Poor Infrastructure in Houston’s Black Neighborhoods has Caused a Disproportionate Number of Pedestrian Crashes, New Study Says
Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin found that while majority-Black neighborhoods in Houston made up 14% of the area surveyed, those communities experienced 35% more pedestrian crashes than non-Black neighborhoods.
July 24, 2023
Houston's Black Neighborhoods Have a Disproportionate Number of Pedestrian Crashes, UT Study Finds
There is a direct line between under-investment in Black neighborhoods and the rising number of pedestrian crashes in those communities, Texas researchers found using Houston stats.
July 17, 2023
Making AI Good for Humans
Professor Sharon Strover of The University of Texas at Austin talks with Austin Forum executive director Jay Boisseau about AI's implications for humans--what are the risks (both accidental and intentional), why is it hard to address some of them, and what UT's Good Systems program is doing to help! Sharon and Jay cover a wide range of related topics as they discuss the risks and benefits of AI for humans and the need to learn how to co-exist in ways that benefit all.
June 27, 2023
Memo to Washington: AI Needs Your Full Attention … Now!
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a science and a set of computational technologies that are inspired by — but typically operate quite differently from — the ways people use their nervous systems and bodies to sense, learn, reason, and take action.”
May 3, 2023
AI Project at UT Austin Focuses on Developing Beneficial, Ethical Artificial Intelligence
While a lot of attention has been focused on ChatGPT, which allows a user to input information and get a response, UT researchers are working on several other ways A.I. can be used in schools.
May 3, 2023
Ghosts in the Machine
“For the moment, I see [AI-generated images] very similar to sketching,” says Andrew Kudless, founder of Matsys. Kudless’ AI “sketch” perhaps recalls a veiled version of Marlon Blackwell’s Keenan TowerHouse (Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2000). As Kudless reminds us, “Design is about so much more than sketching; it’s more than coming up with an idea.” AI-generated images are not particularly useful as resolved design concepts. Instead, as collections, they start to elucidate a feeling, a vibe, a possibility. - image by Andrew Kudless
May 1, 2023
Can AI be Regulated?
Artificial intelligence systems are permeating into everyday life faster than ever before. That's why thousands of researchers who develop AI recently wrote an open letter pleading for help regulating the very technology they're creating. But can AI be regulated? Peter Stone, professor of computer science and Good Systems founding member, and Stuart Russell, professor of computer science at UC Berkeley, weigh in.