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Planet Texas 2050 Resilience Roundtable - Collaborative Communities for Energy Justice

Nov. 13, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.

This talk surveys ten collaborative communities from around the globe that form the Intersecting Energy Cultures (IEC) Working Group, convened by the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities founding director, Dr. Bethany Wiggin, and Dr. Rebecca Macklin at the University of Aberdeen.

Event tags: Planet Texas 2050, Resilience Roundtable Series

Mitchell Sustainability Symposium

Oct. 23, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This year's Mitchell Sustainability Symposium will continue its focus on the intersection of sustainability and student education on UT Austin’s campus and beyond. We’ll look into the state of sustainability at UT Austin through a series of panel discussions, lectures, and student presentations. Dr. Shalanda Baker, Vice Provost for Sustainability and Climate Action at the University of Michigan, will provide the lunchtime keynote address.

Event tags: Planet Texas 2050

Community-Engaged Research Rules of Thumb

Oct. 2, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.

Since 2014, Texas Target Communities at Texas A&M University (TAMU) has worked alongside the Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, a non-profit in Houston, to jointly investigate and document persistent vulnerabilities stemming from chronic pollution, natural hazards, as well as chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Event tags: Planet Texas 2050, Resilience Roundtable Series

Humanizing Pedagogies: Learning In and Through Water Across Educational Contexts

May 1, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.

Join us for this conversation with educators that operate in diverse pedagogical sites, ranging from using the sacred waters of Texas to understand Indigenous lifeways, theater-based embodied practice for learners to connect with their own bodies, and learning about water management from past societies to link to our current context. 

Event tags: Planet Texas 2050, Resilience Roundtable Series

Artists and Scientists in Dialog: Reflections on the Way of Water

April 25, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.

In this special edition of Planet Texas 2050’s Resilience Roundtable Series, Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Professors Paola Passalacqua and Matt Bartos will reflect on their experience witnessing the Way of Water: Onion Creek with Artistic Director Allison Orr and Producer Lisa Byrd of Forklift Danceworks.

Event tags: Planet Texas 2050, Resilience Roundtable Series