Humanizing Pedagogies: Learning In and Through Water Across Educational Contexts

Planet Texas 2050 event flyer

Water is more than just a life-sustaining material resource. It provides metaphors, stories, and images that can connect ideas, practices, and lifeways across time and space. As such, water serves as a humanizing pedagogical tool in the classroom. Its familiarity provides an entry point for learners and its fluidity allows for discussions to link the interconnectedness of our environments, our histories, and our bodies together. Join us for this conversation with educators that operate in diverse pedagogical sites, ranging from using the sacred waters of Texas to understand Indigenous lifeways, theater-based embodied practice for learners to connect with their own bodies, and learning about water management from past societies to link to our current context. 


Date and Time
May 1, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.