ChatGPT and the Future of Healthcare

IC2 Colloquium 

Ying Ding (School of Information), Greg Durrett (Computer Science), Will Griffin (Blockchain Creative Labs FOX), Justin Rousseau (Population Health and Neurology), and S. Craig Watkins, Moderator (School of Journalism and Media and IC2)  

The rise of large language models (LLMs) like Chat GPT raise a number of compelling questions about the future of artificial intelligence systems and society. This colloquium co-hosted by UT Austin’s IC2 Institute and Good Systems considers the implications of LLMs in the context of health care. From the design of health-based conversational chatbots to systems designed to expedite the management of health-related administrative tasks, LLMs will almost certainly impact how we design future health services. LLMs can facilitate access to health services and information, addressing the needs of anyone, anytime and from anywhere.  As a result, individuals will have unprecedented access to systems that can respond to their queries or even offer specialized forms of support. On the other hand, the growing adoption of LLMs raises concerns about accuracy of information, reliability, and bias.  As one critic notes, “these models have no comprehension of the prompts and queries they are responding to.”  This is especially relevant when the query might be about a chronic disease, a mental health illness, or a medication.  The colloquium offers some nuanced perspectives on LLMS in the context of health. Co-hosted with the IC2 Institute. 

Read the colloquium highlights here.

Date and Time
Feb. 23, 2023, 11 a.m. to noon